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Somatic Men’s Group

I believe that we heal in communities and that it is through deep, emotionally connected relationships that we are able to see ourselves more clearly, honor what is alive inside of us, and grow into the people we truly want to be. Trauma disconnects us from the present. For men this disconnection can take on many forms including inability to access our emotions, be vulnerable or feeling as if we do not fully fit in. While it may be easy to identify and move away from toxic masculine behaviors, without a clear path of what we are moving towards we may end up feeling lost and isolated. Somatic modalities focus on accessing and releasing the stored trauma in our bodies so that we can be fully present with our lives and relationships.

The Somatic Men’s Group will be a bi-weekly, in person group experience. Participants will commit to showing up for themselves and one another for 3 months (six sessions), with the option of continuing the group process once the 3 months is over.

The group will be capped at 5 male-identified participants and will begin once the group is full. The cost of each session will be $55. If you have any questions or curiosities or would like to sign up for the group, please contact me.